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About us


The North Pomfret Congregational Church is a member of the United Church of Christ.  The name "Congregational" is the legal name of the original church and refers to our ancestry, much like your family name, if you have married into a new family.  We merged with other denominations which together form the United Church of Christ. We are simply the North Pomfret Church and here for our community. 


Our Transitional Minister: The Rev. Rhonda Myers began serving as our Interim Minister on March 1, 2023. This time of transition is for reflecting, wondering, praying, and dreaming. In addition to leading worship on Sunday mornings, providing pastoral care, and managing administrative tasks, Pastor Rhonda will help us to discern what God is calling our church to become in the future, and what kind of leadership is needed to guide us forward.



North Pomfret Church Mission Statement: The mission of this church shall be to bring together, in an inclusive nature, followers of Jesus Christ for the purposes of sharing in worship of God and in making God’s will dominant in our lives, by rendering loving service and compassion towards all people; striving for righteousness, justice, and peace; and supporting each other in our individual and collective spiritual growth.


North Pomfret Church Covenant: We covenant with the Lord and with one another and do unite ourselves in the presence of God to walk together in God’s holy ways. We will strive to be doers of the Word and not hearers only, to be firm in faith, renewed in hope, and constant in love, and we will consecrate our time, talent, possessions, and influence as heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ to fulfill God’s purpose on earth.


Although our church has been a member of the United Church of Christ (UCC) since the Congregational and Christian Church merged with the Evangelical and Reformed Church to form the  UCC in the 50s, we are still autonomous.  That is one of the benefits of being part of the UCC.  We have our own bylaws and our own individual identity, but we are part of a larger body and we respect and support one another, even if we are not all just alike. 


We are the United Church of Christ, where God is still speaking....


Our faith is 2,000 years old. Our thinking is not.
We believe in God's continuing testament.  This is why we are committed to hearing God's ancient story anew and afresh in our lives and in the world today.  We try to remain attentive to God's creative movement in the world. Religion and science are not mutually exclusive, and your head and heart are both welcomed into our places of worship.  We prepare our members and leaders to be engaged in ministry in the present and future church, and we embrace all kinds of communities and new modes of thinking.  Why? Because God is still speaking,

No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.
We believe in extravagant welcome.  This is why we insist that God's communion table is open, not closed, and God's gift and claim in baptism are irrevocable.  We advocate justice for all.  Our congregations extend hospitality as a sign of God's inclusive love.  We teach that evangelism — offering bread to those in search of it — is God's mission.  Our perspective is global, not provincial.  We work with — not against — people of other faiths.  Why? Because God is still speaking,

Never place a period where God has placed a comma.
We believe the church's mission is to change lives — individually, systemically and globally.  We work to make transformation possible, but trust in God's grace.  This is why we insist that churches must be places of vitality in worship, learning and advocacy. We are committed to working for justice, and we believe that lives are changed through global experiences and friendships.  Why? Because God is still speaking,


 for more information about the United Church of Christ see

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