Missions and Ministries
North Pomfret Congregational Church feels strongly about our mission and outreach projects.
Community outreach & Missions
Sign up for our weekly news email to keep up with what we are doing. Each month, our Mission Committee coordinates different donations to support people in our community with a variety of needs. We also hope to offer more opportunities to gather for community events. We welcome your ideas!
Faith Formation
There are no scheduled Faith Formation Classes for Children at this time, but children are always welcome at North Pomfret Church. Our services are "family friendly," allowing parents not to worry about their children being their wonderful, energetic selves.
We provide activities to engage children during worship, and to spark continued faith exploration at home. And we look forward to having more children in attendance so we can resume more structured programming.
Evening Bible Study
Our Adult Bible Study is held on Zoom every Tuesday from 6:15 to 7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome, no prior experience necessary.
We usually engage the texts assigned for worship the following Sunday. This gives all of us time to "live with" the key passages all week and see what bubbles up for us. Sometimes you may hear your own words or thoughts reflected back to you in the sermon, or you may be surprised when the Holy Spirit leads in a different direction.
Contact us for the more information or for the link to connect with our zoom meeting.